Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Main organs and functions

Resultado de imagen para major organsResultado de imagen para major organs worksheet

BBC Learning - Major Organs of the Human Body

Resultado de imagen para functions of different organs
Resultado de imagen para match organs with systems
Riddles About Your Body
What am I?I am in your chest.I am the size ofyour fist. I pumpblood.
3 What am I? I am in your chest. You have two of me.
I help you breath.
4 What am I?I am in your tummyI digest food. I am pinkish.I look like a sack.
What am I? I’m in your head. I help you think. I am gray. I weigh about two pounds. 
6 What am I? I’m in your chest. I beat all of the time. I pump your blood. 
7 What am I. I’m in your chest. I help you breath. I need air
What am I? I’m in your chest. I help you breath. I need air. You have two of me. What am I?
8 What am I? Your Bones I am white. I’m also under your skin.
I also help you move.I give your body shape.You have 206 of me.
9 Your Muscles What I am? I’m in your legs and arms.
I am all over your body too.I help you move.I help give you shape.I can grow with exercise.What am I?
10 Your Brain What am I? I tell your body what to do. I am in your head.
I am very important to your body.I send and get messages.
11 Your HeartWhat am I? I am in your chest. I pump blood. I beat fast and slow. I go fast when you exercise. I go slow when you sleep. I have chambers. What am I?
12 What am I. I help you breath. I close when you smoke
What am I? I help you breath. I close when you smoke. I turn black when you smoke. What am I?Your Lungs
13 SkullWhat am I? I protect your brain. I am hard. I am white. I am a bone in your head. What am I?
14 What am I. 1. I can eat your bones or your body. 2. I can be any size
What am I? 1.I can eat your bones or your body. 2.I can be any size. 3.I am dangerous. What am I?Answer: Tumor
15 What am I. 1. I am round. 2. I am in your head. There are two of me. 3
What am I? 1. I am round. 2. I am in your head There are two of me. 3. I can be almost any color. 4. I help you see What am I?Answer: Eyeballs

16 What am I. 1. I am pinkish-red 2. I am very, very small. 3
What am I? 1.I am pinkish-red 2. I am very, very small. 3. I am everywhere in your whole body. 4. There are red ones and white ones. What am I?Answer: Blood cells

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