Thursday, December 5, 2019

Mock paper 1 for 8th grade

6(a)(i) oxygen

6(a)(ii) stop-watch / stop-clock

6(b)(i) it is a control variable/ to allow a
comparison / a variable that does not

6(b)(ii) number of bubbles decreases

6(c) between 53 and 27 inclusive
between 1 and 25 inclusive
(both needed)

6(d) decreases

A × 6 or 2 × 12
4 (N)

8(a) hydrochloric (acid) Accept HCl

8(b) (D)EBCA

9(a)(i) time with
no umbrella in seconds, time with umbrella in seconds
10                                                     14
8                                                        9
7                                                       13
11                                                     15

9(a)(ii) mean time with no umbrella=
9 s
mean time with umbrela = 13 s approx.

 the greater the air resistance the harder it is to run
 more air resistance means that it takes more time to run
 more air resistance the slower they run
 (greater surface area)

10(a) fossils 1

10(b)(i) any two from
(increases in) size
(decrease in number of) toes

 growth / more body mass /
bigger / smaller / taller
Accept mane grows (bigger) / more
hair on head or neck
Accept tail is longer / tail length


11(a) (most reactive) magnesium
(least reactive) copper

11(b) displacement (reactions)

11(c)magnesium + zinc sulfate = magnesium sulfate + zinc

12(b) Chen with a suitable linked explanation
e.g. Chen because he only takes 800s rather than 1000s
Chen because his (average) speed between 200s and 1000s, is faster
Chen starts later but arrives at ....

13 50 cm cube

14 In area
A the dots are close together.
This area is called a compression.
In area B the dots are far apart.
This is called rarefaction.

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